Sunday, May 19, 2013

Haast Fishing Trip

Hey. Am on the second day of a week long fishing trip on the west coast. Out of a small town called Haast. Zero cell service here and none for a hundred kilometer radius. Am fishing on the boat you see in the first picture. It's a friend of Brent's. The last photo is of Brent in red pants, Jim the boat owner with the big fish, and Andrew in the camouflage. Those three, me, Andrews partner Galen and another young guy Jacob are six fishing off Jim's boat for the next week. We're going out on ocean every morning, staying insight of shore. There is a fishing club that we are with. There are seven boats here and 30 people. Everyone is staying at a Holiday Park and eating together. Super fun. It's going to be a great week. And the weather is supposed to be great. The second and third pics are my catch for the day. The two fish are called Bluenose. Caught two at once. They weigh around 5 pounds each. And the thing in the third pic that I'm not impressed with is a Blind Eel. It was nasty. Today we caught around 15 fish and yesterday about 20. While I was pulling that eel in a shark came right up to the surface chasing it. It was about 5-6 feet long so pretty good sized. I could have reached out and grabbed it by the tail almost!! Better not though I figured! Pretty cool though! Looking forward to 5 more days fishing.


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