I've been waiting quite a while for the right time to post this video. And the time has come! I'm done on the farm here for awhile. And am migrating south in the morning. But that is the opposite way I should be going as the birds fly North here in winter!! Anyway am taking off for the southern part of the South Island. For a month or so I'll travel around camping and have a good look around. After that not really sure what I'm going to do. Something will happen I'm sure. Will continue to use farm here in Methven for a home base. It is very generous of the family I've been working for to let me come and go. They are really super people! Its been a true blessing working for them. The last three months have flown by which happens I guess. Looking forward to whatever happens next!!
Ps. This video was taken last November at the B Bar. I didn't even know that my good friend Bryce had taken it till he sent it to me very recently. Needless to say it brought a smile to my face. Hope you enjoy!!
I'm getting an error message so I'll keep trying - El.