Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fire and Water

We burnt of the stubble in the barley paddock first thing this morning. Everyone here does this as soon as you've harvested the field. They say it puts the nutrients directly back into the ground at basically zero cost compared to tillage. Regardless it was fun! Moved the small heifer group and put combine away to. Will be at least a week before we do any more harvesting. In afternoon we took their jet boat down to the Raikia river for a run. Wicked Fun!!!! Amazing how shallow of rapids you can go up and down. At 50 mph none the less!! Hope to go again soon. Finished the day at the Brown Pub in Methven which was fun. Tractors coming and going through town right and left. The grass seed harvest is in full swing and they do it all at night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The fires look crazy!! Are they pretty easy to control? It looks like it would be so hot.

    We got your post-card today. I can't believe it only took 5 days to get here... doesn't that seem fast?!

    I can't get over the color of the sky... it's so clear and looks so blue, especially against the color of the field and the fires.
